anniversary of birth of Nawshirwan Mustafa Amin, the leader of the Kurdish people's struggle for half a century

08:45 - 22/12/2024

Today (22-12-2024) is the birthday of Nawshirwn Mustafa Amin, intellectual and leader of half a century of the Kurdish people's struggle.


 "My name is Nushirwan, the son of Mustafa Amini Mullah Khadr. I was born on December 22, 1944 in Shiwi Qazi Barkhanaqa, Sarshaqam neighborhood."


 I graduated from essential school in Sulaimani.  Later I studied political science at Bagha University.  Then I went to the University of Vienna and studied Dual Relations.


 I am very interested in the pioneers of Kurdish writing.  Among them, for example: Piramird's writings have influenced me a lot.  Apart from Piramird, the writings of Amin Zaki Beg, Tofiq Wahbi, Sheikh Mohammed Khal and Aladdin Sujadi, who are the pioneers of Kurdish writing, are very valuable to me and have influenced me.


 My general wish has been that my people will be liberated and free to determine their own destiny in their own country.

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