845 civilians have been killed in Turkish and Iranian bombings

03:25 - 14/08/2024

As a result of the military operations of Turkey and Iran on the territory of the Kurdistan Region in the past 33 years, 845 civilians have been killed.

 The Iraqi Kurdistan Team (CPT) said in a press conference that as a result of Turkish and Iranian military operations in the Kurdistan Region, despite several stories of tragedy and destruction (845) civilians were killed  Volunteers and families of the victims have gathered.

 The military operations between Turkey and Iran have killed 845 civilians in the past 33 years, including 194 children.

 According to the organization, 83% of the victims were martyred and wounded by Turkey, of which 93% of the wounded and 48% of the martyrs have not been compensated, with the destruction and evacuation of more than 170 villages in the Kurdistan Region.

 According to the Iraqi Kurdistan Team (CPT), 702 civilians were killed in Turkish operations, including 344 martyrs and 358 others wounded, as well as the victims of Iranian operations in 33 years  In the past, it reached (143) people, of which (81) martyrs and (62) other civilians were wounded.

 On the victims of women and children, he said: As a result of the attacks of the two countries on the territory of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (204) women and (194) children who were under the legal age were killed.

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