An official of the 22nd branch of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PDK) exploded in Kalar this afternoon, causing no casualties, police said.
Garmian police spokesman Ali Jamal Qaduri told KNN: "We will not announce any information about the incident and the evidence, crime and security teams have begun investigations and took surveillance cameras and investigations have begun and will not reveal anything about the incident.
Meanwhile, a neighbor of Akram Salih, head of the 22nd branch of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PDK) in Garmian, told KNN: “We heard a very loud noise while sleeping.
According to KNN reporter, no casualties were reported and only material damage was caused to the official's vehicle and houses near the incident.
A source close to Akram Salih told KNN: The official was preparing to go to work as usual and was accompanied by a number of Peshmergas and his driver. The driver took the car out of the garage and the car exploded, but no one was inside the car.
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